The Avonmouth Severnside Enterprise
Area is an industrial location of
internationally significant scale,
extending for 5 miles along the Severn
Estuary and covering some 1,800ha.
The area is located between Bristol and
the River Severn, immediately adjacent
to the M5 and M49 motorways. It
consists of two main areas of economic
activity – Avonmouth in the south and
Severnside in the north. Avonmouth is
the closest port to the main centres of
UK population with 45 million people
living within a radius of 300 kilometres.
The three largest sectors in terms of
employment are transport and storage,
wholesale and manufacturing. These
key components of employment in
Avonmouth Severnside reflect its
attractiveness as an area for large-
scale industrial, warehouse and
distribution, energy and waste
processing uses, in addition to the
activities of the port and its associated
storage and distribution facilities and
associated industries.
The Enterprise Area will benefit from
significant forthcoming infrastructure
investment including an already
approved deep-water container
terminal at the port and improvements
to provide direct access to strategic
road and rail networks.
The area predominantly services the
following activities:
• Storage and distribution centres
• Energy and waste schemes (incl.
bio mass power plants)
• General industrial development
• Avonmouth (84 hectares)
- 277,168 square meters commercial
floorspace within 25 years
- Potential job growth 2,000 – 4,000
to 2026
• Severnside (462 hectares)
- 1,323,630 square meters
commercial floorspace
- Potential job growth 4,000 – 8,000
to 2026
The Avonmouth Severnside Enterprise Area is one of a select group of strategically important
employment locations across the West of England that complements the Temple Quarter
Enterprise Zone. Each Enterprise Area will have defined incentives for business.
Key facts
• Five miles along the Severn Estuary
• Strategic location, motorway links and the proximity to the
port could be highly attractive to potential UK and
international investors
• Suitable for warehousing, distribution, industrial and
environmental technologies
• 1,800 hectare area - approx 650 hectares developable
• Allocated employment land in core strategies
• 1957/58 planning permission in place
• Currently marketed areas could build out in five years
(e.g. Central Park, Western Gateway, and Astra Zeneca)